Beauty Editorial
Warning: Lead on Lipstick

Recently an email has been spreading around about lipstick containing led. Is this a Fact or Hoax? The message should be something like this:
**start of message**
Recently a lipstick brand called “Red Earth” decreased their prices from $67 to $9.90 because it contained lead.
Lead causes cancer and the lipstick brands that contain lead are:
• Y.S.L
• RED EARTH (Lip Gloss)
• CHANEL (Lip Conditioner)
The higher the lead content, the greater the chance of causing cancer. After doing a test on lipsticks, it was found that the Y.S.L. lipstick contained the most amount of lead.
3 Quick steps you can do to test your lipstick:
1. Put some lipstick on your hand.
2. Use a 24k-14k Gold ring to scratch on the lipstick.
3. If the lipstick color changes to black, then you know the lipstick contains lead.
Please send this information to all your girlfriends, wives and female family members. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Dioxin Carcinogens cause cancer, especially breast cancer.
**end of message**
According to “The truth? The claim is false. While lead exposure can be dangerous, it’s not been linked to cancer. And lead levels in lipsticks are low and not regarded as dangerous by the FDA, which regulates cosmetics, says Rich Buhler, who checked out the lipstick claim for his Internet hoax web site, Truth Or Fiction. His verdict on the lipstick claim: baseless.”
I tested this out myself as I do have 2 YSL lipstick sitting in my make-up drawer, and to my shock it actually turned grayish black. Shocking and scary. So I wonder if this true or not [if you have little toddlers around avoid kissing them when you have lipstick on, being extra careful doesn’t hurt].