The Spoiled Busy Bee…
Hi everyone! Just a quick update before I hit the sack. This whole day I’ve been too busy cramming on my paperwork and general cleaning the house. I didn’t even have the time to watch the latest episodes of my fave. anime shows. 🙁
On a brighter side… about an hour ago I received a tweet mention from —if you’ve guessed FIASCo [@FIASCoMonkey] you got it right! 😀 Awwwwe he said he got me a surprise… so obviously I couldn’t wait but to check it out right away…

Yep, He got me an Amazon Gift Card! Whoop! Whoop! I feel sooo spoiled! *insert big wide grin here* ^_________^ V —and yes that’s the famous asian peace sign. LOL. Now I am a proud owner of a new eyeshadow palette. Awwwe, I can sooo get used to this! Well… you all know already I am very much into makeup… but without a good camera I won’t be able to share good samples, swatches or review. So I am going to try to save up and build up funds for an DSLR. Hmmmn… I wonder if FIASCo would help me out and send me funds every week or two up until I have enough money to buy it. I’ll go find out from him and let y’all know about it. It would be really helpful and nice if any of you can help me convince him to help me out. LOL. Does that make sense? hahaha. A tweet mention or a direct message to him would be very very appreciated. Thanks! Til next, xox.