Romeo and Juliet in Verona
Surely, everyone has heard of the famous lovers Romeo and Juliet popularized by Shakespeare. They have made hearts melt and tears fall with their heartfelt story of undying love. That in my opinion is the true definition of ’til death do us part quote. Anyone is very familiar of Juliet’s Balcony where Romeo professed his love for her and the “Wall of Love” where visitors from all over the world writes their name and their beloved other half’s name in belief that it will bring the lovers an undying love. So we took Sada there so she can write their name on there too.

SUPER FUNNY! Sorry for the Pun… ^^,

I’ve already had our name written on the wall of love… except I couldn’t find it anymore. Looks like someone decided to write over it… and I was saddened by that thought so boyf decided to renew our name in the wall of love where this time it is him who writes our name on the wall. He even made sure to write our name all the way up high so it would take longer before anyone can write over it. —So sweet! I’ve had butterflies all over my tummy. 😛 Sada decided to write theirs up high as well so she can secure their spot.

Since we’re already there of course we won’t forget to “grab” Juliet’s boobs. Yep, it is said that grabbing the boobs of Juliet’s statue is said to bring a person good luck. Can’t hurt right? Excuse me for my humor as I have another pun to share. Lol.

Well, aside from them we also have Bonnie and Clyde where its just them against the whole world. Which I am very into as well, except I haven’t heard of a featured balcony to visit for them. When I find one, I will surely go check it out someday. After we had our fun in Juliet’s balcony we headed out for a wonderful dinner at Verona Village where we had the best steak and spinach ever! No exaggeration, it truly has surpassed all my expectation. It was a wonderful experience to be able to grill our own steak from a hot sizzling plate.

I hope did not get you too hungry with the last snaps. Every time I look at these pics I get reminded of how awesome the food is which is an absolute mouthgasm. Can’t wait to go back there again. ^^, Til’ next, xoxo.