Fashion Editorial
Rediscover Fashion with LookBible.com
LOOKBIBLE.com is an innovative website dedicated to sharing / re-sharing fashion finds and latest trend. The site is founded by two guys namely Tom & Tom. Yes, you read it right. Both of them were named Tom … isn’t that amazing? They cleverly came up with the idea of launching LookBible.com and have bloggers and as well as fashion enthusiast share [or for direct reference “pin”] images on their board. Sounds a bit familiar? You’re on the right track …
“We like to think of ourselves as Pinterest’s hotter, fashion obsessed little sister.” -LookBible.com
If you’re familiar of Pinterest, then you’d know right away the concept of the website. The big difference though is that Look Bible is centered to fashion, while the other is mixed with different categories. As a fashion blogger, LookBible.com definitely is a great tool to fashion forward savvy bloggers and as well as newbie enthusiast. No mad skills required. Everyone is welcome. All you need is your passion for fashion.
On the other hand, if you’re not familiar of Pinterest [if you are, you can skip this paragraph and proceed to the next one] then you’re probably be quite confused by now. It’s very simple … it’s a social site where you can share your favorite fashion related photos. There are 3 ways to do so, by using the dedicated fashion bookmarklet tool called “Post It” button, by uploading straight from your desktop, and by entering a url. The first option is the easiest to use of all as after installing it to your web browser, you can easily share/pin an image from any website or blog.
LookBible is a new way to discover the fashion you love.
Look Bible is a social network where members can organize their boards and even follow other users who inspire them. Totally an all-in-one site to keep fashion lover’s inspired and updated. If you think you have found the best site to spend time at … there’s more! They also have a small online shop featuring brands like Mink Pink, Evil Twin and Cheap Monday.
Doesn’t that packaging makes you want to place an order right away? I don’t know about y’all but from my personal experience, I love getting packages in the mail. It always feels like it’s Christmas time of as if it’s my birthday. So do stay tune for my next update featuring Look Bible’s product.
So what are you waiting for? Head on over to “LookBible.com” and if you’re up for it, you can also check out my profile page lookbible.com/user/1282 … until next time! xx