Fashion Editorial
Reasons Why Runway Models Falls Down, Hard
No matter how good looking or awesome a certain model is, there are instances that they fall down while walking on the runway. Some people assume right away that it’s because of the uncomfortable shoes, clothing or the wardrobe in general that they are wearing. Given that, it is also possible that the runway they are walking at may be too slippery for their high heels. Obviously if that is the case then falling and tumbling is inevitable.

… but there’s more to it than what meets the eye! In fact, some critics point out that it has something to do with the weight or the physical aspects of the model. Needless to say, the current models we have are very skinny and we all know that the days of plump size women on runways are gone. In my honest and humble opinion, I think it does have something to do with their overall health and wellness which plays the biggest role.

From my personal observation, runway models are mostly skinny and oftentimes, pale looking. This just shows that they are trying hard to control their weight and maintain their skinny figure for the sake of their career. These models end up not eating as much or not at all, undergo crash diets and rigorous body workouts right before the show and the worst of all, resorting to weight loss drugs that have severe side effects on their general health and wellness. To say the least, they are setting a very bad example to teens and viewers. Feeding us all with the wrong idea that if we are stick thin and skinny that we look great and beautiful. Then that also implies that to be plumper than what these models look like is least appealing and acceptable. That’s just ABSURD! WE ARE NOT TRYING TO PROMOTE BULIMIA AND ANOREXIA! I have nothing against the skinny models, but at this point of time it really isn’t helping our society. We need to put a better example …

If runway models are doing any of the above mentioned ways to look skinny before any fashion event, they will surely feel a bit dizzy and shaky thus making them tumble, slip and fall. A lot of this incident already happened and are still happening to date. What are your thoughts about this issue? This kind of scenario makes me wish for a much fuller figured women to dominate the runways instead of the skinny ones.
Photo Credit: All photos were taken from