Beauty Editorial
Press: The Chick Advisor

Yes, you read it right! Miss-Angel is now included in CA directory. From being featured in Bloggers frontpage, to this. This makes me very proud and inspired. This only means that I’m doing something right with this make-up tutorials, and fashion guides. Being given this opportunity and recognition makes my blog more open to more viewers and possible regular readers. I want my voice to be heard, my thoughts to be pointed even throughout across the globe. I know it’s a big thing to want something like this, but I want this really really bad. I know I can do it, if I keep believing in myself and if I work hard for my dreams I will reach my goal. The blogs listed in the Chick Advisor directory are subject to approval, and receiving this email made me jump out of my seat and say “OMG” …to all of you dear readers, I thank you for supporting and I promise to keep sharing interesting reads for everyone.
Let me know what you guys think… xoxo