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Beauty Editorial
The Quest for the Perfect Dress
Looking for that special dress for a special date? Choosing a dress you feel confident and sexy in...
Stress Reliever – Shopping
Not much update for today. I know I have yet to share something really worth reading but my...
Featured: Blogger of the Week
Hi everyone! As expected I am tied again with my other class paperwork but I thought of making...
Fashion Editorial
December 2011 Fashion Week Schedule
This is it … the last month of the year! So better hold on to your seat ...
Insta – Love
Are you a mobile geek? I am. My attachment to my gadgets is so strong that from morning...
My Style
Doux et Brillants
That’s French for Soft and Shiny… obviously I’m referring to the over-sized cream sweatshirt and the leather like...
Tick Tock, Time to Work!
As you may all have read already from my tweets, one of my class finally ended. That means...