Online Shoppers Beware
If you’re into online shopping like me, this is definitely a must read for you!
This is my so-called story. Since I have a fair complexion, the color palette I need is very typical. Most of the time it is unavailable and sadly even on other branches it is either out of stock or sold out. Obviously I am left without a choice but to make my purchase online. I had a hard time looking for a Rimmel supplier, either they don’t have enough ratings / feedback or they don’t have reliable shipping method. When I finally found a seller, I did not hesitate to make a bulk purchase. I ended up with 33 items on my shopping cart. Yep, 33!
I waited for almost 2 weeks to get the items. Upon receipt, I was very excited of course only to be disappointed upon opening the package. The items weren’t properly packaged and only a bit of bubble wrap was used, resulting for the makeup to be damaged and broken. You can already guess my frustration. If only the seller took better care of the packaging, this wouldn’t have happened. Check out the pictures…
Damaged Goods

Wet blush powder all the way inside
Damaged Lipstick
Shattered Foundation
Cut from a shattered pot
Online shops can offer discounted prices but shipping and handling doesn’t always result in a happy ending. Sometimes it is the shipping service fault but there are cases where the seller themselves are to blame. On this instance, it was definitely my supplier who made the mistake of not securing the bottled products in bubble wrap of thick crumpled newspaper. Which obviously resulted to damaged products. Well, lesson learned the hard way. Next time you make a purchase tell your seller to mark their box “fragile” and to secure your items properly.
***Sorry for the gross picture of my cut.