My Style
OF Royalty
Since the Royal weddind I’ve been seeing tons of Kate Middleton inspired outfit and I can’t help but try it out as well. 🙂 So I have mixed and matched an outfit that is simple and easy to wear on any occasion. There are times that the outfit I see in lookbook are more of high fashion rather than casual wear which is why today my ensemble is leaning towards simplicity.
Nothing special with this ensemble, just a nice vintage like blazer/jacket from Bikkuri Vintage Finds paired with a dark blue jeans and platform boots. For the accessories I have kept it minimal and opted out for gold plated earrings and a beautiful Feather Ear Cuff from Wire Desires.
I really love how the ear cuff go around the back of the ear and fit snugly. Whoever invented the whole idea is simply awesome! Now, I can easily do a bohemian inspired look whenever I feel like it. 😛 Check out the pictures below…

Love it? Hype it!
Close-up Shots
Detail of the Blazer
Verdict: The Ear Cuff is well crafted and professionally assembled altogether. One size fits all and definitely looks great for anyone who wants to spice up their looks or try on a bohemian style ensemble. Definitely recommended.
FTC: The Feather Ear Cuff was sent to me for review purposes by Wire Desires as well as the Blazer by Bikkuri Vintage Finds. Also, I’m not getting paid for the review I have made for this product. I’m not affiliated with any of the companies/brands mentioned. This is my honest opinion.
Sarah Gohetia Olayvar
February 27, 2012 at 1:24 pm
I love the whole outfit especially the boots. I am actually grabbing similar wear as this as I will spending winter in Ausie this June. Perth don’t have snow but I guess this look would perfectly fit my personality and the weather there too!Will just grab a coat to add!
Patrizia Seibert
February 27, 2012 at 10:11 pm
beautiful outfit. I love it! You have a great sense of fashion. I’ following you now 🙂
Angela Ricardo
February 28, 2012 at 11:33 am
Thank you very much! I look forward to hearing more from you. xox
Angela Ricardo
February 28, 2012 at 11:36 am
Thank you very much. 😀 Aussie can be very cold despite the absence of snow. Some boots and a good coat, vest or jacket can make a great difference. 🙂
I look forward to hearing more from you. xox
Sumi Go
February 28, 2012 at 1:19 pm
Love your ensemble and the ear cuff! 😀 Btw sis, it’s so nice that you have a food blog na rin! 😀 Sure, let’s exchange links/button links 😀