Fashion Quest
Nokia LVK Mood Board + #ootd
About 6 hours ago, I have received an email from Sarah and Leilah of Nokia Connects. They wanted to inform their #NokiaLVK trendsetters that they’re holding a flash giveaway for us. When they mentioned “Flash” they literally mean it will be a lighting fast of a deal! It starts right away and ends this Friday.
The mechanics are simple we have to capture our outfit of the day using the Nokia Lumia 900. Then we will have to submit that tagging #ootd #nokialvk and @Nokia_Connects … the prize at stake is a Nokia Monster Headset worth £149 and LeiVanKashDagger Pinky Ring. No fashion blogger would want to miss out on that awesome prize! Since we are already heading out for dinner when I got the email, I had to make do with my current outfit of the day look …
How did I do? Not bad right? The quality isn’t as clear as obviously boyf rarely gets a good full shot of me. 😛 Nonetheless, you can still see the details of the outfit. What I wore today … bonnet, denim jacket with leather patches and blings, batman t-shirt, skinny jeans and white high cut boots. Earlier on, I was trying the same look just with a different shirt and shoes. I really wanted to try out this simple look and finally I was able to wear it out.
How did I do? Not bad right? The quality isn’t as clear as obviously boyf rarely gets a good full shot of me. 😛 Nonetheless, you can still see the details of the outfit. What I wore today … bonnet, denim jacket with leather patches and blings, batman t-shirt, skinny jeans and white high cut boots. Earlier on, I was trying the same look just with a different shirt and shoes. I really wanted to try out this simple look and finally I was able to wear it out. Here are a few more snaps for my mood board entry for #NokiaLVK
Hopefully the Nokia team will find my entries worthy for their winner’s spot! I’ll make sure to do a better job tomorrow. Let me know what y’all think!
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