Launch of Beautyholics
My recent collaboration with Faith [LoveRoxie.com] and April [Miss-April.info] for a Valentines Makeup Look resulted to founding a group called “Beautyholics” … we mash-up our ideas and share our love and passion for Beauty and everything fabulous. The “Beautyholics” is a coined term from “Beauty” and added “holic” for addiction. This can relate to anything categorized under “Beauty” … cosmetics, makeup, style, tutorial, skin care, tips, etc.

Faith originally came up with the “Beautyholic” alias for our group and eventually we tried to simply add a .com to it and it was already taken. Sooooo … we went on and tried different ways to retain the original alias and added “the” and so on but it still is taken. Then I suggested adding “love” in the front … and boom! We got Love Beautyholics! Aside from owning our own domain name [.com] we are now also on facebook, twitter and instagram! Lah.

What’s the plan? We aim to share our ideas, goals, aspirations and dreams. We also want to inspire beauty enthusiast out there. Maybe even point out a few beauty tips and reviews? Yes … we’re not professional, we’re no gurus … but we have passion and we can definitely do better if we share tips and maybe even beauty secrets to each other.
For our first month we are starting off with a beautiful Photo-A-Day challenge. This is where we try to take snaps according to a theme set for that day.

How to play:
❤ Refer to the February photo a day list.
❤ Each day look at the corresponding date and take a photo according to the theme.
– sample: Feb 15, check #15 … it says “Fav Lipstick Shade” then you should take a photo of your favorite lipstick shade either just by itself or wearing it on your lips.
❤ Once you’ve taken the photo it’s time to share it.
– check the complete details below to find out where you can share your entry for the challenge.
❤ Keep yourself inspired. Check out other people’s photos.
– on facebook we will share our own entries and a pick from the submissions.
– on sites like Instagram or Twitter simple search for the #LoveBeautyholicsFebPhotoADay hashtag to see them all.
Where to play?
There are a lot of social sites to choose from to share your entry …
❤ Instagram: Simply upload your photo, add fancy filter [optional], then caption your entry and use the hashtag #LoveBeautyholicsFebPhotoADay and then share.
❤ Your Facebook: You can share about us on your personal facebook or fan page and tag us @LoveBeautyholics and add our website lovebeautyholics.com so your friends can find out about us and maybe even join the fun.
❤ Our Facebook: You can share your photo a day challenge on our facebook fan page wall.
❤ Blog: If you have a blog, you can share your photo a day entry or do a compilation of all your photo entries at the end of the month.
❤ Tumblr: Same concept as the blog. Simply add your daily photos to your Tumblr post and don’t forget to label and tag it with #LoveBeautyholicsFebPhotoADay.
❤ Twitter: You can share on Twitter by adding the hashtag #LoveBeautyholicsFebPhotoADay on your tweets or photo upload.