Keep Calm and Blog on

Yes, last time it was for “buying shoes” and today its about blogging. I have made a commitment to keep an active blog and try to make “daily” updates. I knew what I am getting myself into on the very first place, but Lord! It is a lot of work. I guess I never really thought of how time consuming it will be. I know it’s a great time waster, but I don’t really have any more time to waste as managing multiple blogs, a social life, keeping up with tv shows, doing arts and craft at home, and try to come up with tutorials, tips, outfit post and reviews definitely don’t fit well in a 24-hour schedule. *pokerface*
Story of My Life
It looks really funny if I put it that way. But if you’re actually living it and the one stuck behind the computer to update all blogs it is a little crazy and over the top. š Oh well. Anyway, I decided to order a little planner so I can organize my time accordingly and I will have certain days to feature certain topics unless something else came up that I want to talk about. Good stuff. I’m getting better at managing my daily activities. Til’ next! xox
January 24, 2012 at 12:23 am
updating a blog for me is really challenging especially when its not one of my priorities at this time. but i love blogging.. so it’s kind of hard to balance my time between school stuff and blogging..
January 24, 2012 at 8:32 pm
At first I thought you blogging everyday was too much – then IĀ realizedĀ I’m checking your blog everyday lol. So it works – try your best to keep the pace. When ready to commit to blogging, I’m going to get MY little planner and get my Korean Doll on lol. Thanks for the insight!
January 24, 2012 at 9:32 pm
And I just noticed you did the cartoon yourself – wow – good stuff x