Irresistible Stylish Guys
Who says being stylish and fashionable is just a woman’s thing? Wrong! Most guys who claim this just don’t want to admit that they do shop to look good too! Come on, how else are they going to swoon us women if they are not going to dress to impress? Some macho type guys don’t want to be seen with shopping bags neither as again this so called activity is only for women, not at all! In my opinion, men who actually are vocal about checking out the latest fashion is totally HOT.
But of course, with the busy schedule that we have shopping around just might be out of the picture. It will need an extra day off to do so and most often than not our guys would rather spend that time relaxing at home and by our side. So when I get asked on what should be my suggestion for the busy bees I always recommend online shopping!

My first top pick would be to buy Streetwear online and with their wide selection I also have fallen in love with their Clubwear by Cipo and Baxx there is no way you can go wrong with those trendy clothes!

When it comes to professional style I totally love which is where I found the sexiest Cuff Buttons for Men. I would love to see those designs on my man’s shirt. Not only are they sleek and trendy but at the same time they have reasonable prices too!