Here I go again … or at least that’s what I have told myself when I launched my new blogs. Yep. A few days ago, I shared my
newly launched Decor Blog and along with that I have also started a
Geek Blog. Say what now?! You got that right … I now have a geek blog where I can share my tech related opinion and as well as reviews and comparison of gadgets, games, books, anime / manga series, tv shows and so on that I obviously don’t share here.
Some of you may not even be aware of it … but before I became highly obsessed and engrossed over Fashion and Beauty blogging I have always been a GEEK!
To name a few of the games I played …
Final Fantasy
Resident Evil
COD: Modern Warfare
Assasins Creed
Grand Theft Auto series
Saints Row
…and tons more
Check out some old photos I found that shows off my geeky side …
Little Big Planet and Saints Row

Anime / Korean Novela Series

Box-Set complete season 1 of Ranma 1/2 gift from Cloud

Aside from gaming, I have always find a way to geek out on the www. If not, I’m buried reading a novel [clinging on to my hopeless romantic side]. Even in high school I would bring my game boy and stay over at the bleachers, hallway or high school press box and just play pokemon. Yep. In fact … I still play pokemon. Ha! Don’t laugh. I just do it occasionally now since I am too busy maintaining my blogs. Oh well. Good luck to all my plans.
The Purple Doll
October 8, 2012 at 5:26 am
It’s been a while since I’ve last visited your blog. I miss it! Love your new layout too, so clean yet chic! 😀
Btw, glad to find a fellow geek girl! haha.. I love games too especially Final Fantasy. Been so hooked with Ragnarok Online as well. And now, my current addiction is Dragon Age and Skyrim.. haha ^^
PS: Namiss ko tuloy Yuyu Hakusho because of your post. It’s been so long since I’ve last watched that anime!