Happy Feet
No… I am not talking about the cutesy penguin movie. Actually I am talking about my own feet. LOL. Well, as you all know already I still do part time modeling. If memory serves me right, sometime last week I tweeted and shared also on my facebook page that I have updated my Devart Portfolio and Model Mayhem account. There are times I do miss travelling to model but I have already made my decision on what should be my priorities. Every once in a while, when I get offers that I can’t refuse I do try my best to make time for it. So when I have been approached to take snaps of me featuring my bare feet a few days ago I did not hesitate nor think twice to say yes. I know it won’t be professional shots since I will taking it myself but this will be like a challenge for me as well.
This is why I have made my title “happy feet” as if it weren’t for my cute size 6’s I wouldn’t be having this opportunity. Now I know this will be hand modeling but I will try my best to be creative about it. Hopefully the results will deliver satisfaction. 😉
Here’s a snap taken while I’m in the middle of a long drive… What do you think of my legs / feet ? Worth modeling for or not? 🙂

I’ll let you readers know more next time. Til’ next! xox.