Beauty Editorial
Hair Care Tips for Beautiful Afro Hair

I’m constantly approached by women with the question: “How do you keep your natural hair so beautiful”? Since most of these instances are usually while I’m out and about minding business, I don’t have the time to give one an in depth answer. My answer usually is a short quip such as, “Wash and go” or “A natural protein regimen”, or if I’m really in a hurry, “Genetics”! Now that I have some time to give a simple girl’s equation of how to keep your afro locks bouncy, shiny, manageable and flowing, pull up a chair and let’s talk shop.
You Will Never Need A Hat Again
Have you ever left home with your hair doing exactly what you want it to? I don’t mean it just felt good to the touch, it actually crowned your face perfectly, made that exact statement you needed it to make (I’m available)? However, by the end of the day, you wished you’d brought a hat or a scarf to cover your head because your hair looked as though you’d been walking through the desert for a week. Well, you’re not alone. Instead of covering your head, try carrying my “best kept secret” in your bag. A very remarkable product that will put the moisture back in your hair, controls the unwanted frizz and will bring your hair back to life without a gummy build up is “Ouidad”. This is a natural wheat germ gel, which will give your kinks strength and flexibility in between washes. You will love your hair the instant you apply this gel and your kinks will come back to life.
Become Your Own Hair Guru
Maintenance, especially on the days you don’t touch your hair, is the key to beautiful locks even on a “bad hair day”. A horrible mistake many women make when they’re planning on staying at home is to do nothing with their hair. Lying on cotton pillow slips or allowing your hair to tangle or dry up, will only lessen the elasticity of your hair. Make it a practice of using a daily conditioner that you leave in your hair and use a deep conditioner once every two weeks. If you’re planning on staying in, plant your hair in large braids that are easy to take out. Make sure you wrap your hair in a scarf or any tie up that is made with silk or a man-made polyester material that is silk like when you go to bed. Cotton is harsh on your hair; it can break your hair, give you split ends and dry it out, because cotton is so absorbent. I have two suggestions for a daily moisturizer that you may want to consider. One is “Cantu”. It’s a cream that helps to stop breakage and split ends. Cantu moisturizes and stops frizz. Cantu is a very light product. You don’t want a conditioner or hair dress that builds up or adds a lot of greasiness before it’s time for you to wash your hair. Another great daily conditioner is, “Terax Cream”. Although this conditioner is light, it will give your hair control and it also reduces the frizz. Many people don’t care for the smell of Terax; however it’s an excellent conditioner. It also aids in the repair of transitioning from chemically straightened hair to natural tresses.
Wash, Prep and Go
Natural kinky hair should not be washed very often. Our hair has natural oils that revitalize our scalps to give elasticity, strength and provide vitamins that will keep our hair healthy. I personally wash my hair only once every two weeks. I would advise you not to wash your hair more than once a week. I actually do like Mr. Chaz Dean’s product, “Wen Shampoo”. It doesn’t contain soap or any alkaline products, yet it cleanses your hair just as well, and your hair isn’t stripped of natural oils. If you do prefer washing your hair more than twice a week, Wen is perfect for you. However, I believe the best shampoo for naturally kinky hair is “Shea Butter Moisture Retention Shampoo”. It repairs split ends, reduces tangles for easier combing, it strengthens and even hydrates your hair. This is the best shampoo, in my opinion, on the market for your beautiful kinky tresses.
I hope I’ve given you enough information to enjoy and rock your beautiful kinky hair this summer. Take care and love your hair; remember it’s your crown and glory!
Hair Care Beauty
June 1, 2012 at 10:30 am
Aloe Vera is something that most people are familiar with, but not many people think of it as a tool to fix problems with their hair. This herb is able to nourish the hair and help stimulate growth for longer, thicker strains of hair on the head.