Glow and Glamour Haul
Yea, yea… I know. My recent makeup and beauty product hauls has yet to be reviewed and here I am already sharing another haul. What can I say… I totally love what I do and it gives me so much joy to share my beauty tips, product reviews, makeup tutorial and even ensemble inspiration to all of you. Plus, as much as I don’t want to admit it… I have OCD —no, not that kind that you’re thinking of. I mean OCD: Obsessive Cosmetic Disorder which is an addiction I will never get over with. No I don’t think its an official term or an official disorder, I just want to be able to address my so-called syndromes.
On to my haul… I have received quite a few goodies from Glow & Glamour for my honest review and of course for makeup looks that I can come up with using their products.

Contact Lens
Eye Lashes and Mascara
Eye Shadow
LUS Extra V-Line Lift Up
LUS S-Line Body Glove
Obviously, with all that product you have a lot to look out for in my upcoming post. This will definitely be very interesting as I have new products that I have never tested [not even on other brands] and to be honest I am actually looking forward to try the LUS S-Line Body Glove and I hope it would actually make me look toner or firmer!
Just to make it clear, there are really no magic when it comes to using beauty products. Some offer quick fix but without hard work there will be no viable result. My goal is not just to look good but as well as feel good inside out. For those of you who have questions, suggestions or request feel free to let me know. Til’ next, xox.
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