Fashion Editorial
Fashionable with a Sarong
An ancient Asian cloth worn by both women and men, sarongs have been making a comeback to the fashion scene. More and more women are seeking ways of complementing their current style by the addition of a sarong to their wardrobe. Their versatile abilities make them a favorite among individuals seeking new ways of incorporating the latest trend into every aspect of their style. Many women have been using sarongs for beachwear, as it is a light and breathable fabric that not only complements the body, but keeps it cool during the warm weather months. The swimsuit sarongs from www.fairwindssarongs.com are some examples of the types of sarongs many women wear both to the beach and the pool.
In their traditional capacity, sarongs are often worn by men and women to cover up the lower portion of the body. Often dyed with an array of bright colors, sarongs are a cultural mainstay for many individuals in Asia and the Pacific Islands. In some parts of the world, sarongs are used as traditional sleepwear. This may be due to their smooth and flowing texture which lacks itchy materials or fabrics that may prevent an individual from falling asleep.
Today, the western world has seen eastern inspiration in a number of fashions, most notably the sarong. The majority of sarong use in western culture is often geared toward women, who enjoy the flowing nature of the material to cover their bodies between periods of swimming or outdoor activity. Many women use the sarong in place of a towel on the beach or pool, as a means to conceal their skin from the harsh rays of the sun. Unlike a towel, sarongs have are often more fashionable. Many retailers today are manufacturing sarongs in a variety of colors, styles, materials, and functions to appeal the fashion-minded women of today’s world.
Sarongs are often summer weather appropriate, and are often seen in stores during this time of year. Also, sarongs may be used in a number of ways, all of which are motivated as a way to incorporate a sense of style into one’s wardrobe. These items can be used as scarves, skirts, dresses, and even headdresses, making them one of the most versatile forms of clothing on the market today. Some women may actually complement their current skirt by wearing a sarong underneath, and many stores sell sarong dresses for casual everyday attire.