Beauty Editorial
The Difference Between A Sunburn Peel And A Chemical Peel
To many a sunburn peel and a chemical peel may seem like essentially the same thing, however, according to Austin dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Snavely, the two types of peels are very different and have very different effects on one’s skin. Chemical peels have advantages that can help reduce the signs of lines, unwanted freckles, wrinkles, larger unattractive pores and blemishes on an individuals skin if done the correct way and by a professional. Sunburn peels have no advantages and can actually have the opposite effect on skin.
A chemical peel is a way that a dermatologist can make damaged or dead skin shed away from a patient. The result after a chemical peel is a refreshed and glowing layer of healthy skin. There are both light chemical peels and strong chemical peels. The professional will determine which level of peel is safe for a patient’s skin type. A lighter chemical peel is typically made of glycolic acid, lactic fruit, or alpha hydroxyl acid. Stronger chemical peels typically consist of Phenol or trichloroacetic acid. The stronger chemical peels have deeper effects and peel deeper layers of skin for conditions that are below the top couple layers of skin.
Most individuals who seek professional help with a chemical peel will ultimately see great benefits from just the light chemical peel. Deeper chemical peels are usually reserved for extreme skin conditions and are used sparingly due to the peel being so harsh on one’s skin.
Each and every chemical peel is personalized for patients taking skin type and tone into consideration. When consulting with a professional about a chemical peel it is important to mention ultimate goals one wishes to reach from a chemical peel. The peel can then be personalized to ensure those goals will be reached.
A sunburn peel is a peel, however, instead of a more refreshed and glowing skin layer being exposed, a sunburn peel shows signs of damage to skin. Where chemical peels help reduce the signs of wrinkles and lines, sunburn peels do nothing but help increase these types of issues. Damage that can last a lifetime is often the result of sunburn after sunburn for an individual.
Melanoma has been directly related to the blistering of skin from a sunburn and ultimately a sunburn peel. The risk of development of melanoma can be almost doubled with just one single sunburn in early childhood that results in peeling. As an individual grows older and continues to get sunburned, these risks continue to grow also.
Squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma have been scientifically proven to be directly related to large amounts of sun exposure in individuals. Even if one does not continuously blister themselves with sun, with regular tanning, an accidental sunburn is likely to happen.
If one is looking to get results of glowing and refreshed skin by a peel, seeking help from a professional for a chemical peel is the best route to go. Sunburn peels are not the same as chemical peels and have different, unwanted results. A chemical peel has many great results where a sunburn peel has many consequences.
Dr. Nicholas Snavely and the team at River Place Mohs & Dermatologic Surgery Center are experts in Mohs Surgery and other skin cancer treatments. For more information, you can connect with him on Facebook.