Fashion Editorial
Chanel Iman Gains 15 Pounds For Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

Models normally prepare for a fashion show by keeping to an extreme dietary regimen designed to lose weight so that their bodies would be trim and fit on the big day. It usually consists of a no-carbohydrate and no fats diet coupled with rigorous exercises and strict gym visits to tone down the muscles, especially in the stomach area. And when you are modeling for Victoria’s Secret, it is extremely important to lose weight as you would be modeling lingerie that would expose most of your body.

Chanel Iman as pictured on the Victoria’s Secret catwalk in 2009, had to put on weight for this year’s show.
Iman Chanel’s regimen, when she was chosen to walk the runway for the latest Victoria’s Secret fashion show, was the exact opposite of the usual stuff. Preparations, which went underway in August, required that Iman gain weight – 15 lbs to be exact. If you are familiar with Iman Chanel, you would know why. In an interview she did for Modelinia, she intimated that to gain weight for the show, she had to drink gallons of protein shakes leading up to the week of the actual show. She also did a lot of weight lifting during those weeks. A weekend before the actual show, she had already gained 15 lbs and continued to work hard to keep the weight on.

Watching Iman during her fitting, it became clear why she had to work hard to keep the weight on. She was very active, dancing around as she gushed over the three outfits she was supposed to model for the show. Catching up with her a day before the actual show, she explained that to be sure that she had enough meat on her for the show, she was having a host of her friends bring over a whole lot of food and barbecue and just have a blast. Some girls just have all the luck!