My Style
Cerulean Melody
Some people relate to colors as a reflection of their emotion or thoughts. There are quite a few quotes and song s out there that have colors associated with it. For example, “Bluer than Blue” or “don’t feel blue” and so on. As a matter of fact, I am the type who tries to over analyze everything thinking there’s a meaning to everything. Like if I hear someone listening to a sad song over and over I would somehow assume that there might be something going on. Except, that isn’t always the case. Some people may just feel more relax listening to sad songs and some do so to express their emotion. Same goes with color, there are a lot of meanings to go with it. In my opinion azure, blue, cerulean or whatever name you wish to call it doesn’t always have to refer to sadness. Blue in my opinion can also reflect peace, calmness and serenity. On this outfit post I am sharing my “Cerulean Melody” … the serenity in my heart.

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Emotions aren’t as predictable as it may seem. It wouldn’t be fair to judge people by how we see them… from my personal experience I tend to over think things and get worried a lot. Lately I have been working on that. Making sure I am not worrying on things too much. Well, in my defense at least I don’t mean anything bad. Unlike my experience with my ex, who back then when we’re still dating saw a saved lyrics on my computer of Rihanna’s song “Unfaithful” and specualted so much out of it. You can already guess that it didn’t end up well as obviously he is now my ex. Enough about drama… this outfit is symbolizes my peace, tranquility, calm spirit and serenity. I am very happy and content with my life. Thus the title of Cerulean Melody.
My outfit for today like the usual isn’t focused on any major brands. Plus its not like I would blow up my hard earned money on branded names just like that. Yes, it is nice to have some really fine and well known brands but that is simply impractical for me. Maybe if I was born rich or have won lottery then we can talk about brands. The top I am wearing is basically a long dressy shirt which I have turned into a short dress. Bought it from 168 mall in Manila Philippines from my previous visit. I have accessorized lightly and added a ruffled belt from Forever 21. I can’t remember how much it is exactly but I am sure it won’t be more than $8. The shoes was from Viareggio, bought from M’s Family Shoe store and cost €30. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Til’ next! xox.