Angela Bethea | August 19, 2011
Tagged: What’s in Your Wallet
I have been tagged by my labs Abhie to share what’s inside my wallet. She specifically stated not...
Angela Bethea | August 14, 2011
To Dye or not to Dye…
It’s been a while since I have dyed my hair in light shade. Last time I did it...
Angela Bethea | August 8, 2011
Trendy clothes do not have to be expensive
Trendy clothes do not have to be expensive. As a matter of fact they don’t even have to...
Angela Bethea | July 31, 2011
Staying in the Loop
Well… the boyf is currently out of town so I am obviously sad about it. This will be...
Angela Bethea | July 27, 2011
Surprise Goodies Bag
So last night I was surprised to receive a bag of cosmetics from my girlfriend Sabrina. I usually...