Angela Bethea | December 27, 2012
Looking Good And Sharp In Tuxedo
Tuxedo gives the person who is wearing it this kind of sophisticated and strong appeal or characteristic. It...
Angela Bethea | July 8, 2012
Revealing Spring/Summer 2013 at Paris Men’s Fashion Week
Early Indications If there are any men reading this who were hoping to read tales of masculine fashion...
Angela Bethea | May 24, 2012
Men with Sense of Fashion
When it comes to topics pertaining to Fashion, Clothing, Style and Trends, it is quite typical to associate...
Angela Bethea | April 28, 2012
Do Men Trust Women in Terms of Fashion?
Men are more fashion conscious than ever and like to dress independently. But do men trust the judgement...
Angela Bethea | September 28, 2011
Irresistible Stylish Guys
Who says being stylish and fashionable is just a woman’s thing? Wrong! Most guys who claim this just...