My Style
Angela Bethea | December 30, 2011
Classique: Ramenez le style Vieux
I’m a big fan of classic and vintage fashion. The way they wear their clothes and feathered or...
Angela Bethea | December 26, 2011
Le rouge symbolise L’amour
Christmas spirit is still in the air. So today I am sharing an outfit post that reflects my...
Angela Bethea | December 23, 2011
Art et Impressions
Today I have made an outfit post for the tote bag and Lita boots I have received yesterday....
Angela Bethea | December 18, 2011
From Polo Shirt to Stylish Skirt
Every once in a while I get this tired feeling for seeing the same assortment of clothes that...
Angela Bethea | December 17, 2011
DIY Envelope Clutch
I have been seeing a lot of women sporting an “Envelope Clutch Bag” and obviously I want one...