My Style
Articulated with Studs and Links
Every fashionista knows that there’s a lot of raves and hypes going around for studs and chains. It can be a studded belt, bag or even boots! There’s also plenty of chained jewelries slowly making a comeback with lookbookers. It is inevitable, every style and sense of fashion comes back around after a while. Like how clogs and platforms had been “IN” during my grandmother’s era and then “PACED-OUT” in my mother’s time, and back again in our generation.
Which is why I am overjoyed when Maria of Articulate contacted me to try out her hand-made creation. What is it exactly that I am raving about? Studded Leggings! Yep, you read that right… unique leggings that is sure fire to make a statement just by itself. Aside from that, Maria also has unisex ring and bracelet to offer to the fashion community.
The shipping is very fast and the packaging is well handled. The outer packet is secured and tightly sealed and the content of the package is neatly prepared. The ring and the bracelet came in separate pouches and the leggings is wrapped in a plain japanese paper and had been put altogether by a small ribbon. Check out the pictures below for more details.

Pouch for the Ring
Pouch for the Bracelet
Outfit of the Day
Love it? Hype it!
Details of the Leggings
Photo of the Moment
With Vintage Lighting
Not only is the shipping and the packaging commendable, the material and the quality is superb. I have had tons of leggings throughout the years, some lasted a long time, some so-so, and quite a lot that had only been good for a few usage and what gets to my nerves the most are those leggings where you have paid quite a hefty price and the quality is just absurd! If you have notice from my previous outfit post, I have a leather like material leggings and truth be told every time I wear and take it off I have to take extra caution as I have long nails and I am afraid I will leave holes or rips on those. With the Articulate Studded Leggings I don’t have any of those worries AT ALL! The quality of the Fabric is absolutely great and can guarantee to stay for a long time. What more can I ask for right?
FTC: The Studded Leggings and Linked Bracelet & Ring was sent to me for review purposes by Maria of Articulate. Also, I’m not getting paid for the review I have posted for this ensemble. I’m not affiliated with any of the companies/brands mentioned. This is my honest opinion.
Hope you find this entry worth your while. Let me know what y’all think. xox
February 23, 2012 at 5:53 am
Gorgeous as always:)
Love the leggings and the heels <3
Rhea Bue
February 23, 2012 at 9:25 am
wow.. bongga 🙂 nice leggings. hehehe.. the outfit looks perfect with the shoes. hehehehe 🙂
Angela Ricardo
February 28, 2012 at 12:58 pm
Thank you sis! 😀
Angela Ricardo
February 28, 2012 at 1:12 pm
Thank you sis! :”>